Why Christian Philosophy Academy?
Hi, I'm Dr. Cloos. After years of teaching philosophy, I realized the intellectual transformation philosophy offers. But that transformation was largely locked away behind high cost universities.
I created Christian Philosophy Academy to help free Christian philosophy from academia. I created it to give you the benefits of learning philosophy, without needing to be enrolled in a university.
I aim to make learning Christian philosophy enjoyable and life-transforming. Its make a huge difference in my life. I want to share that transformation with you.
I want you to benefit from the intelligence, meaning, and self-discovery philosophy offers. Let me share with you a little of my journey.

From Almost Flunking Out to Getting My PhD

It was my junior year of college. I received a letter from the university. It was not good. I was placed on academic probation. I was steps away from failing out of school.
But I discovered something. I discovered the major of philosophy: exploring big ideas, wrestling with important ethical issues. I was captivated. My grades turned around.
Fast-forward: I completed a master’s degree in philosophy and went on to achieve my PhD. Along the way I gained invaluable tools for sharp thinking, sharp learning, and better decision making that led to better living.
Prior to graduating with my PhD I went on the academic job market. Let’s just say things are not pretty.
One job I applied to reported back that they received 550 applications--for one position!
Not wanting to bounce around the country from temporary teaching gig to temporary gig I needed to do something else.
Would I stop teaching philosophy? Would I quit being challenged regularly by ideas in ethics, epistemology, free will, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and so on?
Or was there a way for me to give back and to provide value to others while still doing what I loved? Yes, I realized! That’s when Christian Philosophy Academy formed!
Christian Philosophy Community
Christian Philosophy Academy is not merely an online education service. It's not merely something offering you valuable tools to improve your thinking and learning. Though, it's that.
It’s also a community. It’s a movement.
Christian Philosophy Academy community is a group of people that don’t accept the status quo. We won’t settle for a life of mediocrity and intellectual boredom.
We want to use our minds to improve our lives and the world.
We don’t need the approval of academic institutions to do so. We carve our own path. We think for ourselves.
We use critical and creative thinking to spread more truth, justice, and mercy in the world. We are powered by our hearts, but we steer with our heads!
I welcome you to join us! I welcome you to become a philosophical Christian!

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